Mission & Ministry

For several years, FORWARD has been the name of Christ United’s primary financial and stewardship emphasis.  The tithes and offerings of our generous givers will now go to the Mission & Ministry Fund, also called the General Fund. From there, those funds pay for the ongoing ministries of the church (e.g., Student, Kids, Missions, Sanctuary and NewSong services, etc.), its support operations (e.g., salaries, building maintenance, computers, etc.), and to service and pay down the principal on the debt. The amount going to each is specified by the Budget and is managed by the Finance Committee. Terminology can be confusing so, to clarify: Mission & Ministry, General Fund, and Operating Budget are all the same thing, and the funds go to the ministries, operations and debt of the church. We keep this as our primary financial focus because it allows our Finance Committee to direct funds according to its knowledge of changing priorities and needs, as guided by the budget and overseen by the Administrative Board. If you ever have questions about church finances, please contact Beth Lodwick, Finance Director or Rob Blackwell, Administrator. Stewardship, accuracy and transparency are important goals to us and we love to talk about church finances, so bring us your questions!