Way of Discipleship
This is the way we make Disciples of Jesus at Christ United who Love God, Love People, and Change the World. These Disciples engage in an intentional, ongoing, transformational pursuit of Jesus Christ. Follow this itinerary to guide you through your transformation as an Explorer, a Voyager, and a Navigator, growing and changing through studies, classes, groups, and intensives.
Intro Presentation from Pastor Rob
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” – Matthew 28:19-20
Disciples are life-long explorers who engage in an intentional, ongoing, transformational pursuit of Jesus. The explorer track begins with the CU 101 orientation and invites you into the community of an ongoing Life-Transforming Small Group.
CU 101 | Learn about Christ United and how we love God, love people, and change the world. CU101 is typically offered as a lunch in the Hospitality Room on Sundays following the 10:30 service hour. Join our pastors and key staff for a brief orientation to ministry at Christ United.
Life Transforming Small Groups | We believe that pursuing Jesus is best done in the context of community. Therefore, we want everyone to engage in a Life-Transforming Small Group.
Life Groups | These sermon-based small community groups discuss each week’s message, aiming to be transformed through group member vulnerability and introspection.
Sunday School Classes | These groups are challenged by studying the Bible and various curriculum to conform their life to Jesus within a supportive community.
Discipleship Bands (Coming Soon) | Same gendered, very small (2-3 people) discipleship and accountability groups.
Other Groups | Ongoing Bible studies, classes, and other groups focused on life transformation.
“…until all of us come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to maturity, to the measure of the full stature of Christ.” – Ephesians 4:13
All of us are lifelong explorers, but in addition to ongoing, life-transforming Small Groups, Disciples can deepen their faith through voyages of periodic study of the Bible, theology, Christian practice, and other faith-deepening topics. These courses will be offered throughout the year on Wednesdays, Sundays, and other times and may also be studied by Sunday School Classes, Life Groups, and other groups.
Core Courses
Following the Way | This course covers the basics of the Bible, Christian history, theology, and practice. This is an outstanding overview of what followers of Jesus should say and do. It’s perfect for those new to the faith or those needing a refresher on Christian discipleship. VOY 101
The Bible and How to Study It | You will gain a basic understanding of the Old and New Testament and how they tell the over-arching story of God’s interaction with creation and humanity. Additionally, you will learn important aspects of reading and studying the Bible to confidently navigate the Scriptures. VOY 102
Christian Theology | From the simple, basic creeds of the Bible to the more developed creeds of the Early Church, our beliefs are firmly rooted in Scripture and built on the foundation of the orthodox tradition of the church. This course will teach you what Christians believe and how we came to believe these truths. VOY 103
Christianity with a Methodist Accent | What does it mean to be a Methodist or Wesleyan Christian? The founder of Methodism, John Wesley, would argue that it simply means being a Biblical Christian who takes the Bible and the Christian faith seriously. We’ll explore the distinctive beliefs and emphases of Methodist Christians and learn the history that brought this expression of faith to America. VOY 104
How to Share Your Faith and Make New Disciples | The Bible challenges us to be witnesses for Jesus everywhere we go. This means we are willing to share what Jesus has done for us with those we encounter. This task can seem intimidating and has often been done in very unhelpful ways. This practical course will explore the why, who, what, where, when, and how to share our faith with others. VOY 105
How to Pray | Prayer is one of the most personal and powerful ways we interact with God. Despite prayer’s great importance, many struggle with knowing what or how to pray. This course will help you discover different ways to pray and help you find the kinds of prayer most suitable for you, depending on your personality, experience, or season of life. VOY 106
Faith-Life Discovery | This course explores the intersection of faith, life, personality, and the work of the Holy Spirit. In the same way that there are stages of life, there are stages of faith. Additionally, our personalities shape the ways we experience and practice our faith. As if this wasn’t enough, the Holy Spirit’s giftings, life experiences, and passions continually shape us for God’s purpose. VOY 107
Facing Death with Faith and Preparation | Explore the understanding of death and discover how faith provides comfort and hope in the face of death. This class combines theology with real-world guidance, helping you and your loved ones prepare with confidence and peace. VOY Special Topic
Advanced Courses
Practicing the Way | This eight-week course, written by John Mark Comer, introduces spiritual formation. Participants will come away with a customized “rule of life” to aid their continued spiritual development. VOY 201
The Spiritual Disciple of Sabbath | This is a 4-week class from from Practicingtheway.org featuring Pastor John Mark Comer on the spiritual discipline of Sabbath. This class helps you to intentionally connect the practice of Sabbath with your daily life. Explore how God’s gift of Sabbath invites us to stop, rest, delight, and reconnect with God in worship. VOY 202
Disciple Bible Study Series | This series of nine-month-long studies (Disciple I, II, III, IV, Christian Believer, and Jesus in the Gospels) are small group-based, high-commitment courses that explore the depths of the Bible, Theology, and Faith. VOY 301-306
Bible Studies | Throughout each year, various studies of the books of the Bible are offered. VOY401-466
Inductive Bible Study | This method of carefully reading Scripture will equip you with the tools necessary to study and understand any Biblical text with confidence. VOY 500
Men’s Retreat | The last weekend of each January, the men of our church retreat to Camp Baldwin to deepen their faith, forge new and closer friendships, and become better men, husbands, fathers, and better disciples of Jesus.
Women’s Conference | Each winter/spring, the women of our church gather for a morning of worship, fellowship, and teaching. Outstanding guest speakers and artists lead this annual several-hours-long event.
Women’s Beach Retreat – Each fall women from the church go to a nearby beach house to share in fellowship and teaching, surrounded by the beauty of God’s creation. New friendships are formed, and existing relationships are strengthened during this faith-building time.
Marriage Retreat | Married couples will spend a weekend learning essential aspects of improving their relationship. Couples will learn about better communication, how to resolve conflict, how to forgive, how to navigate family issues, how to improve their sex life, and how to better love and serve one another with Christ at the center of their marriage.
Special Topics
Courses are offered periodically to help those in our church community where life meets faith. This is a partial list of the kinds of courses and offerings available.
Parenting Courses | Courses for parents at every stage offer the assistance needed to raise kids in healthy and faith-filled ways. Drawing from the best of Biblical teaching, counseling, and family systems, parents will learn practical skills and helpful knowledge while connecting with other parents. Courses include Parenting in the Early Years, Parenting in the Tech Age, How Do I Parent a Middle Schooler, Help, I’m the Parent of a Teenager, and many more. Additionally, courses to help grandparents and others who support parents may be offered.
Marriage Courses | These courses and retreats aim to help married couples deepen their relationship while deepening their faith.
Live Like You Were Dying | This course helps people of all ages think about death, the afterlife, and preparing yourself and those who love you for this likely eventuality.
Popular Topics | New and existing resources highlight the intersection of faith and culture in our modern-day world. These courses range from studies of movies and TV shows novels, and non-fictional works. God often communicates truth throughout the world, and these courses highlight these rays of light in our culture.
Generous Church Overflow Experience | This experience, offered in a mini-retreat format, will transform your understanding of what it means to live generously.
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” – Matthew 28:19-20
These courses are developed for those who wish to move more deeply into serving. Those interested in Lay ministry or Lay Pastoring within the church are encouraged to participate in these courses, but they are open to all.
Basic Course
Becoming a Lay Servant | This course, authored by Sandy and Brian Jackson and led by Christ United Lay Ministers/Pastors, is a five-week exploration of what it means to be involved in ministry as a Lay Servant within Christ United. NAV 101
Advanced Courses
These courses help qualify Lay Servants to serve in different areas of the church and community.
Pastoral Care | You will learn the Biblical and theological foundations of healthy pastoral care and practical techniques of having spiritual conversations, prayer, guidance, and presence. You will also learn about the importance and theology of communion and receive training on administering the sacraments to those who are sick or shut-in. Reading required. NAV202
Prayer Ministry | You will learn prayer’s Biblical and theological foundations and how to pray individually, corporately, and with others. You will gain practical skills in praying for others and leading others in prayer. Reading required. NAV 203
Preaching and Teaching | You will learn the Biblical and theological foundations of proclamation in both the act of preaching and the act of teaching. You will gain practical insight into developing a Biblical sermon with a cohesive focus and function. You will also learn to construct and teach Bible studies that are true to the text of the Bible and applicable to students. Students will have opportunities to preach, teach, and receive feedback. Reading required. NAV 204
History, Theology, and Organization of Methodism | You will learn the history of Methodism from its beginnings in the 18th Century Anglican church, its spread to America, and its modern, worldwide forms. The distinctives of Methodist Christian theology and those who helped develop it will be a focus of this course. Finally, you will learn how Methodism is organized today within our congregation and elsewhere. Reading required. NAV 205
History of Christian Thought | You will explore Christian theology, thought, and practice from the book of Acts, the early Church Fathers, the Early Church Councils, the great schism, the Reformation, and beyond to today. This analysis of historical events and the shaping of Christian theology will help you understand how we’ve come to have the beliefs we hold today. Reading required. NAV 206
The Old Testament | This survey of the 39 books of the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) will help you understand the structure, history, and overarching story of the Old Testament. You will come away with a better understanding of the meaning and purpose of the Old Testament and how it reveals God’s character and God’s relationship with humanity and the world. Reading required. NAV 207
The New Testament | This survey of the Gospels, History, Letters, and Apocalypse of the New Testament will help you understand the history, structure, and purpose of the New Testament in its proclamation of Jesus as the promised Messiah and the work of the early church. Reading required. NAV 208
On Mission | This course will help you lead others toward changing the world. You will explore the Biblical, theological, and practical aspects of mission work and have opportunities to put this into practice. NAV 209
“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. 17 This is my command: Love each other.” – John 15:16-17